Tag Archives: National Radio Day August 20

How to celebrate National Radio Day

ETOW's self-powered shortwave radios continue to be an invaluable source of information in post-earthquake Haiti.

August 20th is National Radio Day, a day for celebrating the invention of radio and this amazing 110+ year old communications medium, still so vital to information access throughout our world.

Those of you who still believe in the relevance of radio, please consider giving the gift of radio by making a tax-deductible donation to Ears To Our World (ETOW). ETOW sends self-powered (wind-up) shortwave radios to some of our planet’s most rural and impoverished  schools and communities, often where there is no internet access nor power grid.

We’ve mentioned ETOW in many previous posts. The organization has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Popular Communications, the BBC World Service, VOA, and Public Radio International’s The World Technology podcast.

Those who think shortwave radio has limited use in today’s information age should see how much impact it has in parts of the world where ETOW works. In these regions, often remote or war-torn, radio connects communities with the rest of the world–and it can mean the world.

Click here to visit ETOW’s website and make a donation.

Spread the radio love