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SWLing Post
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- Carlos’ Illustrated Radio Listening Report and Recording of NHK (January 16, 2025)
- The Curious Case of the Nibi-Nibi Islands
- Unlocking Rare DX Treasures with SDR-Console’s Powerful Data File Analyzer Tool
- Bridging Two Worlds: Shortwave Listening Meets Amateur Radio
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Category Archives: News
SDRplay RSPduo
The RSPduo is unlike any other SDR in the SDRplay product line, and, indeed, unlike most of the budget SDRs currently on the market. As “duo” implies, this RSP features dual independent tuners, both piped through a single high-speed USB … Continue reading
Posted in Made in the UK, News, SDRplay, Software-Defined Radios (SDR)
Tagged RSPduo, SDR, SDRplay, SDRplay RSPduo, Software-Defined Radio
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Universal Radio has priced the Bonito 1102S RadioJet very competitively
Universal Radio has published the price of the Bonito 1102S RadioJet at $699.95 US and they are taking orders. Universal’s price is $300 less than that of the Microtelecom Perseus ($999.95 US) and the $200 less than the WinRadio Excalibur ($899.95 US). … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged Bonito, Bonito 1102S RadioJet, Bonito 1102S RadioJet Review, Bonito RadioJet, Bonito RadioJet IF-Receiver 1102S, Bonito RadioJet IF-Receiver 1102S SDR, IF-Receiver 1102S, Radiojet, RadioJet Pricing, Shortwave Radios, Software-Defined Radio, Universal Radio, Update Bonito RadioJet IF-Receiver 1102S, Updates Bonito RadioJet IF-Receiver 1102S
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Win a World Radio TV Handbook 2012
We just so happen to have an extra copy of the 2012 WRTH (World Radio and TV Handbook) here at the SWLing Post HQ. So, we’ve decided it would be fun to share it with a SWLing Post reader who … Continue reading
Universal Radio now offering a selection of Tecsun portables
Good news: Universal Radio is now offering Tecsun radios for the US market. So far, they have the PL-360, PL-606 and PL-660 listed. The Shortwave Radio Index listings for these Tecsun radios now also link to the appropriate Universal Radio catalog … Continue reading
Ultralight shortwave radios now tagged in the Shortwave Radio Index (SWRI)
I have gone through the SWRI and tagged all portable shortwave radios that are considered “ultralights” by the ultralight “Definitions Committee.” Note that “ultralight dxing” is primarily a Mediumwave hobby, but you will find that many of the best performing … Continue reading
Silicon Labs Si4734 DSP-based shortwave radios
I have gone through our Shortwave Radio Index (SWRI) and tagged every portable radio that is based on the Silicon Labs Si4734 DSP chipset. The Si4734 has been one of the biggest innovations to happen to portable receivers in recent years. When implemented well into a … Continue reading