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Category Archives: Software-Defined Radios (SDR)
CommRadio CR-1
US-based CommRadio is introducing a new tabletop radio this year: the CR-1, an SDR-based shortwave/VHF/UHF receiver Their website has a few specifications and the video I’ve embedded below. The CR-1 receives the full medium wave and shortwave spectrum (.5-30 MHz), plus some portions of … Continue reading
Posted in Made in USA, Software-Defined Radios (SDR), Tabletops
Tagged CommRadio, CommRadio CR-1, CR-1
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Cross Country Wireless SDR-4
The Cross Country Wireless SDR-4 is an affordable SDR (software defined radio) covering the HF spectrum from 0.85 to 30 MHz. It features a Si570 low noise synthesised VFO, relay switched band pass filtering, a power FET RF amplifier and a built-in … Continue reading
The ELAD FDM-S1 is one of the first software defined radios to hit the market in 2012. According to the FDM-S1 retailer, WoodBoxRadio, units should start shipping in March 2012. Though very little is known about this receiver, the specifications … Continue reading
Posted in DRM, Elad, Made in Italy, Software-Defined Radios (SDR)
Tagged Elad, Elad FDM-S1, ELAD FDM-S1 Updates, FDM-S1, SDR, Software-Defined Radio, Software-Defined Radios
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The WiNRADiO WR-G39DDCe ‘EXCELSIOR’ is a high-performance HF/VHF/UHF/SHF software-defined receiver with a frequency range from 9 kHz to 3.5 GHz, with two independent channels of 4 MHz wide instantaneous bandwidth available for recording and further digital processing, plus a 16 … Continue reading
The WiNRADiO WR-G33DDC ‘EXCALIBUR Pro’ is a high-performance, direct-sampling, software-defined, shortwave receiver with a frequency range from 9 kHz to 49.995 MHz. It includes a real-time 50 MHz-wide spectrum analyzer and 4 MHz-wide instantaneous bandwidth available for recording, demodulation and … Continue reading
Medav LR2 (discontinued)
The Medav LR2 is a professional software defined radio manufactured by Medav in Germany. This radio received an excellent review in the 2011 World Radio TV Handbook. Specifications: Frequency range: 100 kHz to 30 MHz Direct sampling of HF signal avoids … Continue reading
Posted in Made in Germany, Medav, Software-Defined Radios (SDR)
Tagged LR2, Made in Germany, Medav, Medav LR2, Software-Defined Radios
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Bonito 1102S RadioJet
The Bonito 1102S RadioJet is the latest in PC Controlled receivers from Germany. The new Bonito RadioJet 1102S shortwave receiver combines innovative design with the advantages of modern computer technology. One unique feature Bonito pushes is the low noise floor, which … Continue reading
The SSB LAN-SDR represents the latest in SDR (Software Defined Receveir) design. What is unique about the SSB LAN-SDR is that it can be hooked up to a home network and used anywhere withing your house via your PC and … Continue reading
Posted in DRM, Made in Germany, Software-Defined Radios (SDR), SSB
Tagged LAN-SDR, Made in Germany, SDR, Software-Defined Radios, SSB, SSB LAN-SDR
Lazy Dog Engineering LD-1B2
The LD-1B a general-coverage, 100 kHz – 30 MHz, USB-controlled shortwave receiver. The LD-1B2 comes with an installed USB isolator, which improves the noise floor (and sensitivity) by about 6 dB over previous LD models. The LD-1B2 is manufactured by … Continue reading
RFspace NetSDR
The NetSDR radio is a high performance networked SDR with 1.6 MHz bandwidth. The NetSDR uses a high performance 80 MHz, 16 bit ADC with both dithering and randomization for best performance. The output I/Q bandwidth is configurable via software. … Continue reading
Posted in Made in USA, RFSpace, Software-Defined Radios (SDR)
Tagged Made in USA, NetSDR, RFspace, RFspace NetSDR, SDR, Software-Defined Radio