The Architecture of Radio iOS and (soon) Android App


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Bill Mead, who writes:

I read about this in the Boston Globe.   It’s available for iOS now and android soon.

From the Architecture of Radio site:

The Architecture of Radio is a data visualization, based on global open datasets of cell tower, Wi-Fi and satellite locations. Based on your GPS location the app shows a 360 degree visualization of signals around you. The dataset includes almost 7 million cell towers, 19 million Wi-Fi routers and hundreds of satellites. A site specific version of the app includes wired communication infrastructure embedded in the exhibition space. It’s aim is to provide a comprehensive window into the infosphere.

Thanks, Bill–you are one of several people who’ve told me about this app recently. While there’s no practical use for this app as a radio enthusiast (it’s purely a data visualization, not a measurement instrument) in an elegant way, it does make one aware of all of the radio infrastructure around us. Thanks for sharing!

Spread the radio love

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