Tag Archives: Shortwave Music

Alan Roe’s B-24 season guide to music on shortwave (version 3.0)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his B-24 (version 3.0) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave B-24 v3.0 (PDF)

As always, thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

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Alan Roe’s B-24 season guide to music on shortwave (version 2.0)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his B-24 (version 1.0) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave B-24 v2.0 (PDF)

As always, thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

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Alan Roe’s B-24 season guide to music on shortwave (version 1.0) & program grids for BBC WS, VOA and CGTN Radio English Programmes

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his B-24 (version 1.0) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave B-24 v1.0 (PDF)

As always, thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

Programme Grids

Alan notes:

I also attach copies of my shortwave programme grids for the English services of BBC WS, VOA and CGTN in case these are of interest. Click links to download:

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Alan Roe’s A-24 season guide to music on shortwave (version 4.0) & program grids for BBC WS, VOA and CGTN English services

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his A-24 (version 4.0) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave A-24 v4.0 (PDF)

As always, thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

Programme Grids

Alan notes:

I also attach copies of my shortwave programme grids for the English services of BBC WS, VOA and CGTN in case these are of interest. Click links to download:

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August 2024 Schedules: From the Isle of Music and Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bill Tilford, who shares the following schedule:

Our transmissions at 2300 UTC have been changed from 3955 to 9670 using Channel 292’s booster beam aimed at the Caribbean, which should also allow for good listening in some other parts of the Americas.

The 1700 UTC transmissions may occasionally bounce into parts of SE Asia and Oceania depending upon propagation conditions.

From the Isle of Music, August 10, 2024
We will feature music from the Música Bailable Actual (Current Dance Music) category of Cubadisco 2024

Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, August 17, 2024
Our special guest Daryana Antipova, a member of the Transglobal World Music Chart who curates Russian and Balkan world music charts, will give us a taste of world music bands in Russia and by Russian world music bands working in other countries.

Times and frequencies for both programmes:
1700-1800 UTC 9670 kHz with beam E-F towards South Asia but listenable in Eastern Europe and parts of Eurasia
1900-2000 UTC 3955 & 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)
2300-2400 UTC 9670 kHz with beam P towards the Caribbean (but listenable in other parts of the Americas)

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From the Isle of Music and Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot Schedules for July 2024

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bill Tilford, who shares the following update:

1. From the Isle of Music, July 2024

On July 13, 2024, we will feature music from the winning album in the Tradicional Variado category (“Danzoneando: En vivo desde Matanzas” by Orquesta Failde) of Cubadisco 2024
Times & Frequencies are:
1700-1800 UTC 9670 kHz with beam E-F towards South Asia
1900-2000 UTC 3955 & 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)
2300-2400 UTC 3955 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)
All transmissions from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany

2. Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, July 20, 2024

On July 20, 2024, we will feature various multiethnic music that blends musical styles from different cultures
Times & Frequencies (note new schedule) are:
1700-1800 UTC 9670 kHz with beam E-F towards South Asia
1900-2000 UTC 3955 & 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)
2300-2400 UTC 3955 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)
All transmissions from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany

For both programs, even if you are listening on a remote websdr rather than a radio, we will still acknowledge reception reports with an eQSL IF:
1. The entire program is listened to and reported
2. which web SDR is clearly specified (that will be mentioned on the eQSL)
Shorter reports will be acknowledged with a brief note of thanks.

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Alan Roe’s A-24 season guide to music on shortwave (version 3.0)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his A-24 (version 3.0) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave A-24 v3.0 (PDF)

As always, thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

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