List of VHF/UHF Multimode Amateur Radio Transceivers

I recently decided to build an EME (Moon Bounce) station. This process has taken me way outside my comfort zone as I’m primarily a 30 MHz and below guy. I’m currently researching radios that have multimode VHF (2 meter band) functionality. I started forming a search list with links in my web browser then realizes this list might serve others who are seeking a new or used multimode VHF/UHF transceiver–especially since I couldn’t find anything like it on the web. I’ve included search links to classifieds in,, and eBay. Please leave a comment if I’ve omitted a transceiver and I’ll happily add it.

Click the model name to check out Universal Radio’s archived listing of the transceiver. If the transceiver is currently in production, this link will take you to Universal’s product page. We thank Universal because much of this list was based on their excellent catalog listings–both active and archived. I would also encourage you to check Universal’s current used list.

I’ve sorted the following list by manufacturer in alphabetical order:

Please note: All eBay links are partnership links. When you purchase through our links, eBay shares a commission with the SWLing Post at no cost to you.





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