AWA Presentation: Working at WWVH in Hawaii

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mark Erdle (AE2EA), who writes:

Hi Thomas,

Steve Johnston, WD8DAS, gave a presentation to the AWA last night about his job at WWVH, the time and frequency shortwave station in Kauai, Hawaii. I have to admit that I’m envious of someone who has the job of Engineer in Charge of a multiple transmitter shortwave station on the beach in Hawaii.

His presentation is here:

Mark Erdle AE2EA

Thank you for sharing this, Mark!

Spread the radio love

3 thoughts on “AWA Presentation: Working at WWVH in Hawaii

  1. Jock Elliott

    I found this presentation absolutely fascinating.

    Who knew how much went into putting out those very time signals on HF

    Cheers, Jock

  2. Eric Richards

    Is there any chance that Steve Johnston or his counterpart at WWV will read this? I would very much like to see a receiver/decoder built along the same line as the link I will provide below: An individual with good shop skills and patience to program an Arduino built a receiver for DCF77 in a clock face that provides detailed information over the minute as it decodes the 60 bits of time information.

    I’d love to see a similar one done for the 100 Hz tone in WWV and WWVH.

    Also, I’m located less than 20 miles south of the WWV antenna farm, and getting WWVH on 15 MHz is routine for me. And, yes, I got the QSL card!


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