Radio Miami International broadcasts the Happy Station show on 9955 kHz.
Keith Perron of the new Happy Station Show is running a listener contest with some pretty cool prizes up for grabs. I find it encouraging that a new shortwave radio program is offering listener prizes–reminds me of the good old days!
The contest starts September 10, 2009 and winners will be announced on New Year’s day, 2010. Read the full press release below or directly on the HSS blog.
The Happy Station Show broadcast schedule via WRMI to North and South America:
0100-0155 UTC Thursdays on 9955 kHz
Repeated 1500-1555 UTC Thursdays on 9955 kHz
From Keith Perron:
Hi Everyone,
Starting September 10th, 2009 we are launching a New Years contest with the winners to be announced at 1230am (local HK TIME) that’s 1730UTC on January 1st, 2010.
Times reflect the November time shift. Meaning 0100UTC now will be 0200UTC after that.
Let me fill you in the loop as they say. On December 31, 2009 both editions of Happy Station will be 2 hours each.
The transmission at 0200UTC will be a special program for South America and the Caribbean and will run for 2 hours. Details are still being worked on at this moment. I will fill you in when they become available. This program will be recorded.
The transmission at 1600UTC will be LIVE from Hong Kong. My friends at RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) are giving us a studio over looking Victoria Harbor where at 1659UTC we will do the countdown to 2010. They are also letting us patch into the audio feeds for RTHK, so you will be able to hear the countdown live as it happens in Hong Kong. After the countdown, plus a small concert of the Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra I will announce the winner of the contest. Prizes listed below!
This contest is open to both email and post entries. But to enter you will need to send in the time and date you hear a short message that will start to air September 11, 2009 for the broadcast at 0100UTC. This message will also be used during the 1500UTC program, and for the shows for Indonesia and New Zealand. Now the message is in code, but if you can’t understand it. That’s not important! What’s important is you report the time you heard it and the date. I will announce the the shows next week more details about how it will work. But please remember to include your postal address! And that even goes to those who send in emails.

Keith Perron, host of the New Happy Station Show
1st Prize: Sangean ATS909
2nd Prize: Sangean ATS606
3rd Prize: The 3 books from Jerry Berg about SW
4th Prize: 1 Year membership to Communication from the BDXC
5th Prize: 10 winners of a CD by Tom Meijer called Easy Come, Easy Go!
So good luck to everyone!
Warmest regards,
Keith Perron
Happy Station Show