Many thanks to SWLing Post reader (and contest winner) Ashok Shankar Das, who writes:
The GP5/SSB receiver I got as prize from your SWLIing Post Virtual Radio Challenge is great. My friends envy the cute Monster
Well with this radio I am monitoring 40m and 20m HAM bands regularly. Since January till date I have received several stations. Most interesting stations till date are VK6HCF/portable, RW9JZ and EA3JE (from India).
Here’s a screen shot of the log book if you like to see.
This is excellent news, Ashok! Many thanks again to CountyComm who sponsored our Virtual Radio Challenge IV.
I hope to have another sponsored challenge posted within the next month or two. Frankly, I have multiple projects on my table, so free time has been almost non-existent the past few weeks. Indeed, I’m still catching up on a back log of correspondence I received during my travels last month! (I appreciate your patience and understanding!)
Happy listening, Ashok!
Update: Check out Ashok’s radio blog: