(Photo: Satdirectory.com)
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who writes:
From time to time, I get some interesting shortwave catches here in Alaska.
Sometimes on 10 MHz, I get WWV. Sometimes I get WWVH. Sometimes I get BPM China. And from time to time, I’ve heard all three at once.
Well this clip is something a bit different…
From April 20, 2016 at 1707 UTC here is my Tecsun PL880 connected to a 225 foot long wire with audio set at 3.5 kHz while tuned to 10,000 kHz (10 MHz).
This time, I am hearing WWVH Hawaii and […] the Chinese Firedrake jammer. What’s happening is Firedrake is jamming the Sound of Hope on 10005 kHz and the signal is so wide, it’s [competing with] WWVH.
I am making no adjustments to the dial tuning or audio settings as this happens. Listen to how things fade in and out.
I have actually heard The Firedrake on 10005khz a few times since this recording, but since I don’t specifically seek it out (they dont QSL, lol!).. I havent heard it that often
Would be nice if the firerake QSL’d huh?:) The music isnt that bad and the Firedrake signals as usually pretty darn strong here.