(Source: UNESCO World Radio Day)
UNESCO invites all radio stations and supporting organisations to join us for World Radio Day 2019, a chance to strengthen diversity, peace and development through their broadcasting.
World Radio Day marks a time where people around the world celebrate radio and how it shapes our lives. Radio brings together people and communities from all backgrounds to foster positive dialogue for change. More specifically, radio is the perfect medium to counter the appeals for violence and the spread of conflict, especially in regions potentially more exposed to such realities. On that basis, World Radio Day 2019 will celebrate the theme of “Dialogue, Tolerance and Peace” and the power of radio in promoting understanding and strong communities.
Please explore our webpage, brimming with ideas, activities and practical solutions, for you to do on or around World Radio Day.
As I note each World Radio Day, at our non-profit Ears To Our World, we celebrate the unique power of radio everyday. While we use a variety of technologies in rural and remote communities, radio still plays a central role since it’s such an accessible technology.
We’re currently preparing more than 100 self-powered radios for distribution in rural Haiti.
Happy World Radio Day!