Ivan checks out the new TEF6686 chip radio

Product photo from AliExpress

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ivan Cholakov (NO2CW) who writes:

Hey I just got a radio from China based on the famed tef6686 tuning chip. Just started checking out the basic functions and will let you know how it fares on the bands.

Video description: This project started by enthusiasts has created many DIY and consumer grade projects. This is one of several receivers that take advantage of the great NXP TEF6686 radio chip. AM (Medium Wave), FM, SW (Shortwave) and Longwave receiver with some unusual features not commonly found on other radios. The DX tests will come after this introduction

Click here to check out Ivan’s video on YouTube.

Thank you for sharing this, Ivan! We look forward to your updates!

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12 thoughts on “Ivan checks out the new TEF6686 chip radio

  1. Gordon Cooper

    Is SSB and narrow bandwidth possible with this chip or with an outboard chip? ECSS etc. would make this a must have radio for travel.

  2. Renard Dellafave

    I’m curious why a chip from 2013 (datasheet copyright) has taken so long to show up in portables vs the Silabs/Skyworks chips. Availability? I wonder if any existing radios are harboring one. Todderbert gives the Sangean PR-D12 higher marks in FM than anything else, and it’s a newer design, so I might open mine up and check unless: has anyone else opened one up? (no SW, of course, on that one).

  3. marc mccreadie

    Thanks for the great info!

    If anyone is able to build one of these as a portable that could somehow also include DAB+ and/or DRM reception I would be most interested in purchasing. I have one from ebay that was made in China but these 2 extra features would make it the perfect one stop radio. marcmccreadie@outlook.com.au

  4. Mario

    With many of the major manufacturers gone from the shortwave consumer market it’s nice to see an influx of SDRs from all over the world. Even the styling is refreshing.

  5. Ivan Cholakov

    A couple of additional details. This chip was created for automotive use. It can be found in some Pioneer and other radios. The chip has a very large set of configurations and commands so automotive receivers built around this chip may or may not take advantage of its capabilities. Additionally, it is not a power hog but we can also say it was not built for maximum battery life. As soon as I have some time I will test it against the golden standard Sony chip on FM and and a couple of SW/MW receivers.


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