XHDATA D-220 Portable

The XHDATA D-220 Discount Code is Here!

Hi Folks!

The promised exclusive XHDATA 40% off code is here!

The Radio is available to pre-order at Amazon today, and is supposed to be in stock at Amazon.com on the 1st of August.

The discount code is : 40D220NEW

While the detail page shows a 15% coupon, ignore that and place the desired radio from the links below in the cart and during checkout type in the discount code and apply. The results should look like what is listed below. You can review the price with discount before placing the order.

XHDATA D-220 (Orange)

XHDATA D-220 (Green)

XHDATA D-220 (Black)

I have checked and the Code does indeed work:

Order Summary

Items: $15.98
Shipping & handling: $0.00
40D220NEW: -$6.39
Total before tax: $9.59
Estimated tax to be collected: $0.58
Order total: $10.17

A big “thank you” to the folks at XHDATA for giving us a special discount price! (I went wild and ordered the Orange one!)

Cheers! Robert K4PKM

Spread the radio love

4 thoughts on “The XHDATA D-220 Discount Code is Here!

  1. SamA

    Ordered. Thanks for the link. I’ll be tossing this small radio into my carry-on suitcase for a 90-day visit to the Baltics and Italy. I usually travel with a tablet and dial up radio via the Tune-In app, but the D-220 should let me check out the locals on FM with ease.

  2. Mike S

    Thanks. Struggling whether or not I need it in addition to two D-219’s.
    It is almost identical to the D-219 in overall dimensions and lacks the antenna swivel and SW bandspread capability of the earlier model. Which begs the question …

    As expected the Amazon listing FAQ states that it is for the 10KHz version designed for North America.

  3. William, KR8L, WPE9FON

    Thank you! Although I kind of like the orange, I ordered the green in honor of my very first radio, a Zenith R-100 “Zenette”, which was a similar size (but AM only). It was more of an avocado green but, hey, close enough. I was going to wait for reviews, but couldn’t pass up the $10 price. I’m hoping the performance will be on a par with the D-219 that I just bought.
    With almost 17 MHz packed into less than three inches I expect the shortwave tuning may be difficult, but we’ll see…
    (The D-219 performance really is incredible if you just take your time and tune carefully.)


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