Bob’s 1968 Radio Tirana QSL Card

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Bob Colegrove, who writes:

Kudos to Don Moore for his excellently crafted article on Albanian radio.

[…]Perhaps some might be interested to see a 1968 QSL from R.


Bob Colegrove

Thank you for sharing this excellent Radio Tirana QSL card, Bob!

Spread the radio love

3 thoughts on “Bob’s 1968 Radio Tirana QSL Card

  1. John

    This very QSL got me (and my dad) in a bit of trouble when I received it.

    My father was Vice Commander of an organization on an Air Force base where I grew up. He had a top secret clearance because of the work one of the org’s that reported to him was involved in.

    When I started getting QSL’s from R. Havana Cuba and R. Tirana , someone in the US Post Office that was on base, ended up reporting it, and this found its way to my dad’s boss (the organization’s commander, a Brig. General).

    I knew the BG and likewise, since I mowed his lawn every week and he just lived a couple houses down the street from us.

    My dad was fine with it, and just mentioned it to me as a “guess what happened as a result of your radio hobby” moment.

  2. SamA

    I pulled out my QSL collection right after reading Don’s article and there was my Radio Tirana card. My reception was dated just a few months after yours. I haven’t visited Albania yet, but it’s on my list!


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