You can now purchase the CommRadio CR1 (we recently mentioned) for $500 plus $12 shipping on CommRadio’s website.
Don Moore (N0HDX), founder of CommRadio, placed the following statement on the CR-1 order page:
As the lead designer of the CR-1, I am pleased to offer this new radio to you. It draws on my experience as a kid building Knight Kits, from my paper route earnings through currently owning a classic Drake 2B and a Zenith Transoceanic; my benchmarks for enjoyable, high quality short wave listening. I added a smooth machined aluminum tuning knob and minimized the number of buttons to provide you (and me), an intuitively obvious and enjoyable radio to operate. This radio is solid as a brick, looks cool and sounds great. The tall feet have a purpose besides good-looks: rest your hand on the tabletop to spin the knob and for the bottom- speaker to bounce the sound to you instead of going straight up into up in space. The military ‘black box’ people who visit us see it sitting on the shelf with the bright OLED display and they all say: “I want one!” Well, here it is. Let the CR-1 draw you into the wonderful hobby I’ve enjoyed throughout my life.
I do love the look of this little radio–its simplicity reminds me of the Palstar line of shortwave radios.