Tag Archives: Short Wave Pale Ale

Short Wave West Coast Pale Ale: the perfect “tuning oil”


Many thanks to Colin Newell over at DXer.ca for apprising me of a new (retro) craft brew called “Short Wave.” Colin took the above photo last week featuring the venerable Grundig YB400PE and a can of Short Wave pale ale. What a combo!

Phillips-Shortwave-Beer2Phillips Brewing Company describes Short Wave Ale on their website:

“Short Wave is a brand new pale ale where a medium malt body is electrified with a healthy dose of bright American hops until sweetness and bitterness are dialed to balance. Both of these pocket-sized cans are packing a full-flavoured punch, making them the perfect partner for wherever your next adventure may take you!”

Perhaps the perfect “tuning oil” for your next Canadian DXpedition?

Shortly after Colin posted this message, I received a note from SWLing Post reader, Bill (KD5XN) who passed along this news item about the new brew.

Those of you who live in British Columbia, Canada, are in luck: Short Wave pale ale is brewed in Victoria, BC. If you live in northwest Washington state, I think it may be worth making the pilgrimage across the border for this brew! Short Wave ale aside, BC is a remarkably beautiful province.

But wherever you live or travel, cheers, SWLers~!

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