I love reading Chrissy Brand’s posts on her blog, DX International.
Yesterday, she posted “The Joy of Shortwave,” in which she talks about the advantages of tuning in the world via shortwave radio. As she mentions all of the stations that she casually logs in the UK, I realize how fond I am of the same stations, and how Chrissy and I–though an ocean apart–may often listen to the same shows at the same time. Because on the shortwaves, local is global, not to mention instantaneous.
Take it from Chrissy: Shortwave radio is very much alive, all you need to do is listen.
Chrissy also writes the Broadcast Matters column for the UK magazine Radio User, and blogs regularly on the Mancunian Wave.
I would encourage you to bookmark DX International–which celebrates shortwave radio programming with a touch of nostalgia.
Thanks so much Thomas, I am honoured to feature on the amazing, creative, useful and enjoyable SWLing Blog.
Chrissy, the pleasure is all mine! Thanks for all of your excellent work!
It is a hunt for good broadcasts on shortwave and national broadcasters leaving shortwave has hurt. I am very much missing Voice of Russia with the chaos in Ukraine recently. I try for news out of Belarus as a near substitute but it’s a tough catch. Ukraine left shortwave in the last year, which would have been interesting.
Lately, I’ve been enjoying Voice of Vietnam English broadcast, 250k watts from Wooferton UK pointed at North America.
I love to hear Radio Dabanga and find myself singing their jingle
Also love to hear VOA African Beat and African Music Time on on 15580. VOA has some good news shows as well.
Pirates keep it interesting, but do not replace the mix of national broadcasters.
Chrissy’s blog post tells us what’s been obvious for some time: it may be a joy tuning and searching through the shortwaves (I enjoy it a lot) but most of the programming available nowadays is boring. Here is what I find more listenable:

– Mighty KBC on weekends. I’m not really a fan of the old rock & roll music but for some reason I like how it sounds on shortwave
– BBC WS, which unfortunately is increasingly difficult to listen to here in Europe.
– Radio Australia’s Saturday Night Country. I love that show.
– Zanzibar Radio (ZBC) which broadcasts some very nice music, a mixture of styles from Africa, Indian Ocean and beyond. I’m in the same time zone with them and the signal on 11735 kHz is excellent. Perfect for listening outside in my yard during the hot summer nights, with a cold beer in my hand…