The Canadian International DX Club (CIDX) Messenger

There are few things in our wonderful hobby that can can be purchased for as little as $10.00. Fortunately, an annual membership to the Canadian International DX Club is one of those few.

I’m reminded of this great value as I just received and read the latest CIDX Messenger, the CIDX’s monthly electronic bulletin.


The CIDX Messenger is chock-full of news, articles and loggings covering shortwave radio, AM and FM radio, utility transmissions, pirate broadcasting, satellite and Internet radio.

Check out the latest table of contents from the CIDX Messenger below:


The Messenger is sent to all CIDX members by e-mail in PDF format so can be viewed on pretty much any digital device.

Membership can be mailed in (click here to download the application) or payment can be made via PayPal, (U.S. or Canadian), by sending the payment to:

The membership fee for Canadian, U.S. and International members is $10 Canadian or US per year.

A sample copy of the Messenger is available, free of charge. Simply send an e-mail to requesting a free sample.

I’ve been a member of CIDX for at least three years and look forward to every issue of the Messenger.

Spread the radio love

7 thoughts on “The Canadian International DX Club (CIDX) Messenger

    1. Thomas Post author

      Yes–I spent some time on the live stream as well. Hats off to Gilles for doing the live stream! Someday, I’ll head up to Montreal for the gathering!

    1. Thomas Post author

      I believe so. The Messenger has articles about Arctic/Antarctic DXing that I can’t easily find elsewhere. They also post interesting reviews and articles that are written by club members. Also, I enjoy reading through some of the loggings–especially some of the pirate radio activity that can be heard in Canada.


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