Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Lennart Weirell, who shares the following announcement:
DX-Philately: Stamps of R
adio Stations by Continents and Countries
The 5th edition of one of the most complete listing of radio and DX related stamps is now available now used in 8 countries in 3 continents. The size of the file is about 1.1 MB and it lists about 400 radio stamps from 124 radio countries and list the stamps per continent and country with date and Michel No. and motive. You can also mark which stamp you have in your collection, unused or used and it is easy to modify with new editions. See also my posting 2016-11-29.
Those who are interested please contact me via e-mail at [email protected].
I found a DX station stamps that my grandfather collected. Dated around 1928. What should I do with them.
I know that the US Postal Service issued a Amateur Radio stamp back in the 1960’s.