(Source: Southgate ARC)
The Autumn 2019 edition of the BBC Monitoring’s magazine Monitor is now available on the web
BBC Monitoring provides news and information from freely available media sources around the world. Our round-the-clock monitoring of TV, radio, press, internet and news agencies is provided to the BBC and a range of customers – commercial clients, including media organizations, foreign governments, NGOs and universities, and the UK government.
BBC Monitoring is funded by the licence fee and is part of the BBC World Service Group.
You can read copies of Monitor magazine at
https://issuu.com/bbcmonitoringBBC Monitoring
25 more years ago, A friend of mine worked there in Caversham near Reading UK. I visited him there and he let me into his listening post, I think they used a Racal with remote antennas. Because he let me into the “stuff only area” his boss asked him no to do so again. I think he worked there for 5-7 years, he got the job because he was a Ham. A dream job isn’t it Thomas?
Yes adi I can remember reading a detailed article about Caversham “back in the day” and seeing photos with workstations with Racal receivers. I also remember being fascinated that the antennas were remote, some miles away. I dreamed of such a setup for me.
Today with the KiwiSDR network of receivers I have realized the dream of long ago. I can tune to over 200 antennas scattered around the globe!
The BBC Monitoring magazine feature on their satellite dish farm looks a bit like my backyard in Australia! With 8 dishes in my home in Eastern Australia and 2 at my place in Indonesia I have full coverage of the television from most countries in Asia. (I like watching local news, local drama, music and advertisements – you get a great sense of what each country is like).
More and more for me digital IP reception is replacing RF, and the massive amount of content I can receive was certainly unimaginable even a few years ago. Its a great time to be alive!!! 🙂