Proud Papa

Apologies in advance, but I need to brag a bit…

This weekend, both of my middle school-aged daughters passed their amateur radio exams with colors flying. Volunteers with the WCARS VEC were kind enough to meet us at a local park to conduct the test in a covered picnic area.

At the test site I was more nervous than my girls were, but I really had nothing to fear. Both were hitting a 95% pass rate on practice exams in advance.

Even though the girls have obviously learned a bit about radio through osmosis in this household, they did all of the exam prep on their own. Funny story: I remember allowing them both to send CW to my buddies K8RAT and WD8RIF on my lap when they were maybe 2 years old? Of course, they had no idea what they were sending, but they loved playing with the “clicky thing” (my paddles). I think WD8RIF actually copied their code to paper. ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

I purchased both of them an FT-60R handheld radio from Universal Radio. I think these HTs should serve them well for many years to come!

I know one of my daughters is already chomping at the bit to pass her General now.

Anyway, thanks for letting me brag a bit here. I’m certainly a proud papa!

Spread the radio love

18 thoughts on “Proud Papa

    1. Thomas Post author

      Thank you, Dan. My daughter, Geneva, was eyeing the IC-705 today. When she gets her General, I might help her build a field kit around the LD-11. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. David

    Congratulations to both of your daughters and to you as well.

    I hope they get many years of enjoyment from their now officially recognised skills.

    Best Wishes,


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