Additional Hidden Feature of Tecsun PL-368

For potential Tecsun PL-368 owners, this is an exciting update! I just received the email below from Anna at ANON-CO:

Hello Robert,

I just wanted to let you know that we are expecting to receive our PL-368 radios around the middle or end of next week. It turns out that these radios will have one (hidden) feature that was not included with the “final” version that you receive in June, and that is a calibration feature for SSB.

If you have any questions please feel free to let me know.

Best regards,

This is a feature in some of the latest Tecsun models, and seemed odd to not be included in the PL-368, so this is good news indeed!

Cheers, Robert

Robert Gulley, K4PKM (formerly AK3Q), is the author of this post and a regular contributor to the SWLing Post. 

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5 thoughts on “Additional Hidden Feature of Tecsun PL-368

  1. David McCormick

    Well, it works well, on the PL-330x, PL-990x, and H501x, and are “hidden”, so I’m hopeful, at least pleased, they added it to the 368.

  2. Mike Westfall N6KUY

    I’d wonder if there is a reason the feature is hidden (such as, it doesn’t really work satisfactorily).


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