Seeking a repair shop in Spain to fix a faulty Eton E1 display

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Jesus Leal, who writes:

Greetings Thomas,

I would like to ask you a question…
Could someone from the SWLing Post Community… tell me where I can fix 1 Eton E1 Radio… that I bought in Spain in 2009… and 2 years ago the Display screen turned off… and nothing can be seen…
Everything works but there is no possibility to see anything on the Display..
In Spain… several radio repair services… including Grundig Official Service… have not been able or have been able to fix the Display…
That is my query..
If any member of the SWL… could help me…
Thank you .. and greetings from Spain …

Let’s see if someone in the SWLing Post community can help you out.  If you were State side, I’d recommend my friend Vlado, but the international shipping alone would make that a very costly repair. Something within Spain or the EU would be more reasonable. 

Please comment if you know of a radio repair service in Span or possibly the EU that might be capable of fixing this E1.

Spread the radio love

4 thoughts on “Seeking a repair shop in Spain to fix a faulty Eton E1 display

  1. Haluk Mesci

    I know it has been some time with the original post, but, hoping to help I yet write back:
    I had the similar problem. E1 was working alright but nothing was on the dial.
    You know what worked? Adjusting back and forth the contrast of the display!
    The button is just behind the front cover of the battery compartment.
    Please do write back if this works for you too.

  2. Marcus Keulertz

    I know a shop in Germany which is located in Wuppertal.His name is Mohr and he sells and repairs shortwave receiver. I’m not sure how much it’ll cost to send it to his address. For further information please contact
    I hope it helps a bit.

  3. Tha Dood

    You can try and search the eham reviews on servicing, Be aware, that some of these no longer exist, like AES’s Service, since they sold-out to HRO. A lot of these places do have websites and e-mail addresses. I did this about a decade ago to get the receive TOKO SMT’ed filters swapped out from a Kenwood TM-D710A, since I do not have SMT soldering tools and gear for anything that small. Hope that this helps, and good luck.


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