Wellbrook Communications is closing shop

Mark Fahey’s Wellbrook antenna

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dennis Dura, who shares the following news from the Wellbrook Communications homepage:

Wellbrook Communications will cease trading at the end of April 2023.
This is due to retirement.
I would like to thank everyone for their custom over the past 27 years.

No doubt, the venerable Wellbrook loop has helped thousands radio enthusiasts mitigate RFI/QRM and make it possible to once again DX from home.

We wish Wellbrook owners a wonderful retirement!

Spread the radio love

27 thoughts on “Wellbrook Communications is closing shop

    1. Ken English

      For those who haven’t heard, Andy Ikin passed away on October 25, 2024.
      He told me that he had attempted to sell Wellbrook to another company when he retired, but a Chinese company hijacked his trademarks, so he was unable to sell it.
      Glad I purchased one of everything he was still building, a few years ago.

  1. Ken English

    I wonder if Andrew could license someone to build replacement amplifiers, or supply schematics and parts lists for any future repair needs
    I’ll definitely miss him, and his products.
    Also, I will definitely miss his technical articles.
    Glad I bought several of his earlier items, as well.

  2. Radio Shack Employee

    Andy is a fine fellow who ran circles around QRM.

    I thank him for great personal service and wish him a happy healthy retirement.

  3. Andy

    As someone who has been dealing with Andy since about 2000, I have to say he is always ready to help and his products are second to none. The 1530 loop rescued my listening from the clutches of local noise. Happy retirement Andy and good luck.

  4. Danny Shortwave

    It is quite sad to see this. They are the pioneers and set the gold standard for active loop antennas. I wished I could have bought one. They just never lowered their prices to a point where I can buy one especially after owning the MLA-30. I seen many comparisons between them and the gap has narrowed especially on shortwave. I own 2 MFJ-1886 active loops quite happy with both. I also own 3 MLA-30s which 2 are modded also happy with them. But I wished I would have tried a Wellbrook. They are going to be missed for sure. Good luck in your retirement Andy.

  5. jack dully

    I wonder,If anyone else will have parts, if needed, for the Wellbrook products that they already own.In addition if they need servicing on any of their products out in the field.There must be many out there

  6. Brian Veitenheimer Veitenheimer

    This leaves a opening at a peak time for antenna sales in what looks to be the best solar cycle in years.
    Opportunity is knocking for a quality product like this one.

  7. Al N4ow

    I have been using an MFJ 1886 Active Loop for years , It does a great job. I helped me reduce some horrendous Growlight RFI. You can see the before and after screen caps on my QRZ Page N4ow . Mine was on a low tripod with no rotor. I use the “armstrong” Method of rotation.

    I have NO connection in anyway with the MFJ company.

  8. Bill Alpert

    That’s bad news for SWLs everywhere! I went on their website and they appear to be sold out of all inventory for North America items, so it’s too late now!

  9. Walt Salmaniw

    Over the years I’ve acquired dozens of Wellbrook products. Quality and customer service was always superb. I’ll miss Andy! A happy and well deserved retirement!

  10. Gary Saltz

    WOW Sad news indeed. I just received my new loop from Andrew a few weeks ago! Waited all my life to purchase. They will be missed. I guess now it will be more special than ever.

    73’s from Gary WA9IQW

  11. 13dka

    That’s sad news. :‘( Wellbrook has always been the pop star of the active loop scene.

    Selfish sidenote: Yet another high-profile product vanishing from the market…which is sad enough…before I had a chance to try one. For many years I didn’t have the funds, then when I tried to source one they didn’t make any, next time I tried it was Brexit colliding with EU tax laws making them not sell any to the EU anymore.

    1. 13dka

      (I hit the button too fast again) Of course I wish Dennis a happy retirement, I hope he will have many years left to enjoy life and having more time for the important things in life, like playing radio! 🙂

  12. Eric Richards

    Sad, but understandable. Time marches on.

    I’m glad to have been a customer of theirs. Their implementation of the amplified loop is, in my opinion, the best out there.

  13. Jock Elliott

    That is a shame. I’ve never used a Wellbrook, but they enjoy a very high reputation.

    Cheers, Jock


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