Tag Archives: 5N7Q

Voice of Nigeria would like your reception reports

Photo source: 5N7Q

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Harald Kuhl (DL1AX), who shares the following note posted on the 5N7Q DXpedition page:

UPDATE from Bodo, DF8DX.

5N7Q is QRT for now. Rene DL2JRM and Bodo DF8DX enjoyed this activity very much. We logged more than 20,000 QSOs in 9 days of operation. We were active from 10m to 160m in CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.

While many friends appreciated getting some new band points, operating in FT8 and on the 60m band were first time ever activity.

Our QTH was in the broadcasting station of Voice Of Nigeria in Abuja. We were very grateful for this opportunity to use the broadcasting antennas that have 20dB gain into Europe, NA and SA. Asia was workable with our vertical dipoles or via long path. Unfortunately the giant rotatable antenna cannot be rotated at the moment but we hope that it is doable at the next activity. For low-bands we had some dipoles hanging from the 80m tall link tower. Our signal was good but we clearly had some RX trouble as the noise was very high. Complete log is uploaded to Clublog and Lotw as well. Please use OQRS to receive your paper QSL card via bureau or direct. There are still a lot of mails asking about QSOs that cant be found in the log. Please QRX, I will check all of them carefully but it takes some time. Our QSLs may be requested for free via bureau and Lotw is already uploaded, no waiting, no donation required for this service.

This activity would not have been possible without the effort and help by the staff from Voice Of Nigeria. All credit go to them. Please help us to help them. You may support future activities from here by keeping this wonderful transmitting station on air. Their current broadcasting schedule is: 0600-1100UTC on 7255kHz in AM (beaming to West Africa and SA) 1500-2100UTC on 11770kHz in AM (beaming to West Africa and NA) 1500-2100UTC on 15120kHz in DRM (beaming to EU). Please tune in and listen to Voice Of Nigeria.

Please send your listener reports to:

Head Of Engineering Engr. Jerimoth Canice Voice Of Nigeria Headquarter Oda Cres, Wuse 2 Abuja Nigeria jerrycanice@yahoo.com. Your listener reports are highly appreciated and help to keep transmitting from here.

Many thanks for sharing this, Harald! Readers, if you’ve logged VoN recently, please send them a reception report!

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