Tag Archives: AVALA SDR

Now Online: A New WebSDR in Iran


SWLing Post contributor, Mehdi, has informed me that his ham radio club (EP2C) has just put a WebSDR online in Iran–perhaps the first in this part of the world. Mehdi notes some of the details about the receiver:

[The WebSDR is] installed and operated by our amateur club: EP2C (www.ep2c.ir)

[Perhaps] the first WebSDR in the Middle East (the nearest one I know of is located at Armenia). We have a dipole antenna and an AVALA SDR receiver (going to be replaced by a SoftRock).

For the moment, it just covers 20 meter band, but we may increase the coverage to 30 and 40 meters too.

The server and antenna are all in EP2C club’s office (Karaj/Iran). Iran’s timezone is GMT+03:30.

Because of our bandwidth limitations, the total number of simultaneous users is limited to 10 (will try to increase it in the future).

Our WebSDR address: http://websdr.ir:34567

Thank you for the announcement, Mehdi! I’ve been listening to the EP2C WebSDR this morning–it’s been working flawlessly.

Please keep up informed as you improve and upgrade the EP2C WebSDR!

Click here to use to the EP2C WebSDR online.

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