The Belgian club, DX-Antwerp, is celebrating its 30th anniversary on May 12th. They’re airing a commemorative shortwave broadcast on the following schedule:
- 0430-0530 UTC 17880 kHz Issoudun F AM India
- 0800-0900 UTC 9680 kHz Issoudun F AM Western-Europe
- 1200-1300 UTC 6015 kHz Issoudun F DRM Western-Europe
- 1400-1500 UTC 17880 kHz Montsinery GUF AM North America East
- 1530-1630 UTC 15775 kHz Issoudun F DRM India
- 1700-1800 UTC 21680 kHz Montsinery GUF AM North America West
- 2000-2100 UTC 17755 kHz Montsinery GUF DRM North America
A special QSL card was designed for this occasion. Send a report by
ordinary mail to:
c/o TDP Radio
PO Box 1
B-2310 Rijkevorsel
or e-mail to