Tag Archives: REE Closure

Radio Exterior de España to end shortwave broadcasts on October 15, 2014

RadioExteriorDeEspanaSWLing Post reader, David, writes:

“I just wanted to let you know that REE has published a communication in its webpage, regarding the end of their SW broadcasts. The definitive cutoff will happen on October 15, 2014 at 0000 LT here in Spain, which is 2200 UTC.
REE will continue, though, and will be accessible through the Internet and also via satellite. Here in Spain they will also be available locally via the TDT/DVB-T system for regular TV broadcast (multiplexes, into which digital TV signals are combined, are also used to carry digital audio data for “radio” stations that therefore can broadcast using this system as well).

Here’s the link to the original REE article (in Spanish): http://www.rtve.es/radio/20141003/radio-exterior-espana-suprime-emision-onda-corta/1021661.shtml

And the [machine] English translation by Google: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ca&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rtve.es%2Fradio%2F20141003%2Fradio-exterior-espana-suprime-emision-onda-corta%2F1021661.shtml&edit-text=&act=url

Many thanks, David, for the update!

David reports that he will attempt to record the last days of REE broadcasts. I will also make recordings and we will post all of them on the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive.  Indeed, I would ask anyone who can capture the last broadcast to please do so and share your recordings with us.

UPDATE: Note that REE announced a return of their shortwave service in December 2014. Click here to read the update. Shortly thereafter, REE posted their new broadcast schedule–click here to view.  

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