Tag Archives: The Random Earth Project

Use of numbers station audio in this piece by The Random Earth Project

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Gary (G0CUQ), who writes:

Hi Thomas,

I remember a while ago some posts relating to music with short wave/radio leanings (Wilco & Quindar come to mind).

I found a fairly new English group, The Random Earth Project, who have subtly slipped a numbers station in at the beginning of their track called ‘Airwaves’. It pops up later in the track too (a seven minute progressive rock epic!). I’ll leave a YouTube link here:

Quite a surprise to hear that, although I don’t know the origin of the station.

Thanks for bringing us the SWLing Post – it’s one of the first things I check online. It’s a go-to for me as a ham who hasn’t lost the SWL bug!

Gary G0CUQ

Thank you so much, Gary, for the tip about The Random Earth Project! I love how they’ve implemented numbers station audio.

Thank you for the kind comments about the SWLing Post, too. I truly appreciate that!

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