I just received word that the independent Jazz and International Music broadcaster, Hamburger Lokalradio, will broadcast a series of shortwave tests transmissions this Sunday (June 30, 2013).
Listen for them on 15,785 kHz in the following time slots:
- 06:00-08:00 UTC
- 10:00-12:00 UTC
- 14:00-16:00 UTC
- 18:00-20:00 UTC
Hamburger Lokalradio plans to schedule more test broadcasts this year. We will post them once announced.
I just stumbled upon that station, hearing Glen Hauser’s “World of Radio” on 6190 kHz – a strangely malformed USB signal with some noise on top. Here’s the current schedule (UTC=CET -1 hour):
8- 12 Uhr CET – 6190 kHz
12-17 Uhr CET – 7265 kHz
08.00 CET 6190 kHz English – Switzerland In Sound
08.30 CET 6190 kHz English – World of Radio – Glen Hauser
09.00 CET 6190 kHz German
10.00 CET 6190 kHz German
11.00 CET 6190 kHz German
12.00 CET 7265 kHz German
13.00 CET 7265 kHz English – New Letters – Making Contact
14.00 CET 7265 kHz English
15.00 CET 7265 kHz Spanish – Radio Tropical – Quadriga
16.00 CET 7265 kHz English – Media Network plus
16.30 CET 7265 kHz English – World of Radio – Glen Hauser
11.00 CET 9485 kHz German
12.00 CET 9485 kHz English – Radio Goethe
13.00 CET 9485 kHz Spanish – Radio Tropical – Quadriga
Receiving this station outside of Europe could be quite some challenge though, TX power is only 1kW according to their website and they use 2 old RFT KSG1300 transmitters “made in GDR”, which might explain the odd signal.
Here’s a link to an image of the signal: