(Source: Sean Gilbert, WRTH)
The WRTH Editorial team is pleased to announce that the A14 International broadcast season schedules are now available for free download from the WRTH website, navigate to: http://www.wrth.com and follow the links.
The file is in PDF format and will require the free Adobe Acrobat reader (http://www.adobe.com).
Included in the 76 page, 3MB, file are the full summer ‘A’ Season broadcast schedules for International and Clandestine & Other Target broadcasters and DRM, Selected language broadcasts. Also a by frequency listing of the above schedules and a table of sites and site codes used.
We hope you find this a useful accompaniment to the printed WRTH edition.
Please feel free to pass this information on and/or repost on social media as you wish.
73, and good listening!
Sean D. Gilbert, International Editor –WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook)
On behalf of the WRTH Editorial team.
With at least 75 pages of changes, this update certainly is a useful addition to the 2014 edition of the WRTH Handbook. In my opinion, this update is absolutely mandatory for an owner of the 2014 edition …
One of my pet peeves, though, is the failure to distinguish between digital and analog power levels especially in the International Frequency List. Some DRM transmitters likely show the digital power level while the majority state the analog power capability instead.