Many thanks to Craig Fuller who shared this excellent Aeronautical HF radio map on the Shortwave Listeners Global Facebook page.
Click here or here to download the map as a large graphic.
Note that this map is 13 years old and somewhat out-of-date. Paul Jones kindly posted some frequency updates to the Shortwave Listeners Global Facebook page:
Confirmed SHANWICK QRG’s.
(Shanwick = Shannon/Prestwick)
Clearance Delivery
135.525MhzSouthern Routes
3016 HF
5598 HF
8906 HF
13306 HF
17946 HFFamily ‘B’Central & Northern Routes
2899 HF
5616 HF
8864 HF
11279 HF
13291 HF
17946 HFFamily ‘C’ Central & Northern Routes
2872 HF
5649 HF
8879 HF
11336 HF
13306 HF
17946 HFFamily ‘D’ Central & Northern Routes
2971 HF
4675 HF
8891 HF
11279 HF
13291 HF
17946 HFFamily ‘F’ Central & Northern Routes
3476 HF
6622 HF
8831 HF
13291 HF
17946 HFShanwick VHF 127.900 Mhz
There is updated aeronautical hf radio world map arvailtane. It is not free anymore, but the price is only ten (10) euros via email. Just send an order to the email address and I’ll give instructions how to proceed. I’m the author of that map. There is also whole packet available, containing area maps, spectrum sheets of every hf-aerobands, technical info and some special info of Russian air force.
The Aeronautical HF Radio Map is my own product. Up to date maps are still available by request. Just make order to my email kristofer2 (a t) There is full packet available which includes these world maps, area maps, some technical info with special drawing how to fight against local interference and – the aerolist – full operational aeronautical hf radio frequency list (updated monthly).
All above files are not free anymore due to copies found around the world in the internet.
The price is realistic and low, just 25 euros via email. There is possibility to get all files on real CD too, but the price is higher, around 30 euros due to packing and mailing fee.
Just make an order to my email. 73 de Risto/OH2BVB
The new maps are available here (not free):
Just for fun I looked at the home page of the web server that hosts this image:
Check out the ham shack in his ‘photo of the month’ section !