More on the 55th anniversary of Radio Havana Cuba


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, David Iurescia (LW4DAF), for sharing the following feedback yesterday:

Today, the 1st of May, is the 55th anniversary of Radio Havana Cuba. Here is the link about this on their website:

I haven’t heard if RHC has any special programs or contests going on this month. If you know of any commemorative RHC programming, please comment.

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6 thoughts on “More on the 55th anniversary of Radio Havana Cuba

  1. Paul McCabe

    On May 1st 1961 when Radio Havana officially came on the air before that it was called” Cuban experimental shortwave station” The English host for the inaugural broadcast, was former CBS newsman Robert Taber who earlier had a News special for CBS television, on Fidel Castro
    “TIME” magazine reported, that Taber shortly afterwards returned to the USA claiming that Fidel Castro was not a Communist.

  2. Dean Bonanno

    Hi Thomas –

    While listening to their mailbag program on May 1, 2016 in the 1900utc hour on 15140, significant mention of the anniversary was made. T shirts (actually donated from Texas), bags, and other station 55th anniversary items would be given away for correspondence to

  3. Bob LaRose

    I have a QSL card from them dated April 12th, 1961. They came on the air on or just before that date on 11770kHz as “La onda corta experimental cubana”. I believe that at first it was only their 10kW transmitter but even they had a very strong signal in ECNA!


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