This morning, while browsing eBay, I noticed a high-production retailer selling an RTL-SDR package for $300 US! (To add insult to injury, this isn’t even the latest version of the RTL-SDR dongle!)
I post this warning message to those who are new to the world of the RTL-SDR.
You should never pay more than $30 US shipped for the latest version of the RTL-SDR dongle unless you’re buying custom enclosures, filtering, etc. In fact, the RTL-SDR package above retails for about $25 shipped via Amazon (though currently out of stock). The RTL-SDR stick alone retails for $20.95 shipped. You can find a number of models between $10-20 on Amazon and eBay.
The majority of eBay sellers list the RTL-SDR at the proper market price.
The allure of the RTL-SDR is its affordability–don’t fall for sellers on eBay, Amazon or elsewhere who list these at outrageous prices. They’re simply trying to rip you off.
The RTL/SDR is not ready for prime time yet. too many variants, compatibility issues, software revs, computer and windows compatibility issues. got one of those dongles and downloaded “free” software. Never could get it working. Maybe someone will offer a complete package and guarantee it to work with any pc/windows configuration. Keep your money in your pocket. Valve radios are better.
I have RTL and third party sw and I cannot make it work no matter what. There has to be a proven tested software that sells with it. I own The RTL 2832U-R820T2 U Bias … it tunes HF. Never have had it connect or work.
I wonder if this RTL/SDR stuff is a hoax or fake news. I want to be proven wrong.
Maybe someone will come out with a business where you send them a notebook pc and they will provide a dongle, install the software get it up and working and return it working guaranteed functional as an SDR.
This has been the case for many years now. I once questioned one of those high priced sellers why the price was so high but got no response. They know exactly what they are doing so be careful.
It’s a conspiracy!
Last week I saw a NooElec Mini (the blue one) on German eBay Classifieds
for 59€ 2nd hand, advertised as “SDR Analyzer” (without software). I reported that fine offer to eBay but as usual, while they do have a “report article” buttom and a category for “unrealistic price” complaints, they never do *anything* about it, be it a used item for twice the retail price (new) or a massive case of counterfeit vintage instruments fraud. Well, why would they, the more the seller rips off some sad moron, the more ka-ching! for eBay!
Shockingly listed as a top selling product! At that price?
My recommendation is the NooElec package. You cannot go wrong, an R820T2 dongle with TCXO and three antennas for $28.
Jay, have you run Zadig to verify that the drivers are properly installed?
Dan, does that NooElec RTL-SDR cover the HF bands like the V3 version does? If so, I’ll grab it. I’m teaching a ham radio class and will get one for the kids to take home and use for SWLing and experiments.
The package with antennas is now sold out.
Not sure where to find it and then how it would signal me if the drivers were not operating. But, I could try it again, but I think that program didn’t do anything. I seem to get a funny error message when I click play about a sampling error of some kind??
Viola- Progress made no cigar yet. Got the Dongle going with Cube software. But no audio yet. Clearly saw 10.00 MHz WWV and Air India at 9.445 MHz at 2120UTC.
Also very loud Air India at 7 550 which used to be DRM. What an antenna and transmitter they must have. 25 db over from Bangalu Me in USA S.C.
I have one for 25 dollars and I bought the SNA-PL259
My problem it never worked because the software is third party and mine never worked. So the unit never gets connected with the computer.
Jay, have you tried using SDR#? has some great instructions for getting the RTL-SDR online:
No, I’ll try it later. The issue seems to be no data from the RTL ever gets into or recognized by the program
Reminds me of my boss with a $49 printer on his desk with a price tag of $1 million dollars. I asked who in the world would be that stupid and buy it? His answer… “I don’t know but all I have to do is sell one.” If people are that damn dumb to spend $300 for it and are happy with it then they deserve to lose their money. Your article probably won’t reach those individuals anyway.
Kind of like the $3000 SX-88?