Schematic for the PLL EDUTEC 4-Band Digital Radio Weltempfänger?

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Cezar Vener, who writes with the following inquiry:

I would like to ask you if you can help me with a schematic diagram for an EDUTEC 4-Band digital radio (PLL EDUTEC 4-Band Digital Radio Weltempfänger). It is not broken, but I would like to modify it. Of course, I could spend some time and manually extract the schematic, but I would lose too much time.

While I know that “EDUTEC” is a registred trade mark for technical (“non-food”) products that was sold by “Eduscho Handelsgesellschaft” in Bremen and also I found that it is now owned by Tchibo, well – I would like to kindly ask you for help in this matter? (course, if you can).

It is an old product, probably made in the 90’s and until now, I didn’t find anything on the net about it. I opened it and I found that its core is TA8132AN, and the FM section is made around TA7358AP. The audio stage is built with C1212C, and there is one more integrated circuit there, TA8148S (no datasheet on the net, but I found that is a DC-DC converter for electric tuning – built-in stabilized supply output for biasing VHF tuner variable capacitor / sine wave oscillation).

BTW, I found it also in SONY CFS-W504L 🙂

The PLL chip is soldered with the unmarked side, so I don’t know what type it is.

[See photo at top of post.]

Here is a photo of the rear back stand:

Unfortunately, there is no other model or name written on the radio.

I see there “CENTRON LABORATORIES LTD”, that points to the company with the same name from Gujarat, India. Very interesting :))

In the hope of an answer from you, please allow me to thank you and to congratulate you for the very nice site that you maintain there!

Many thanks, Cezar! It’s readers like you who make this site such a great one!

Post Readers: I hope someone may be able to help Cezar. This radio looks familiar–perhaps I’ve seen it badged with a different company name?  Please comment if you can help Cezar locate a schematic.

Spread the radio love

5 thoughts on “Schematic for the PLL EDUTEC 4-Band Digital Radio Weltempfänger?

  1. Curt Schwarzwalder

    The eBay listing shows the radio did not attract even one bid at 10 € so how good could it be?

  2. DL4NO

    I cannot comment on the radio, but a bit of background should be interesting:

    Eduscho and Tchibo were competitors from the 1950s: They imported coffee beans, roasted and ditributed them.

    Eduscho was founded in the 1920s and disributed the roasted coffee by mail. In the 1980s and 1990s Eduscho was the biggest coffee seller in the “shop-in-shop” segment: A corner of a local bakery or so sold Eduscho products – not only coffee. I could imagine that the radio above was sold this way. It must have been quite cheap. The eagle, “BZT” and the registration number point to this time, too.

    Tchibo started with a similar business model in 1949 and opened their own shops from 1955. It is well known that Max Herz, the boss of Tchibo, drove around Western Germany with large wads of money, entered bakeries and offered the owner of the bakery to buy it. These bakeries were family businesses with the husband making bread, cakes and other products during the night and his wife standing in the shop, often from 6 AM to 6 PM. You can imagine why quite some bakeries got Tchibo shops.

    You could go to these shops to drink a cup of coffee (in the shop from china cups), buy coffee, tee and other products. You could get your coffee freshly grided, as fine as you wished.

    Later Tchibo also changed to the shop-in-shop system, but cooperated with supermarkets. This system exists to this day with the slogan “Each week another world” as the goods offered change every week. The business in this sector seems to be more profitable than the coffee business that is highly competitive here in Germany. See

    Some of you might know the German discounter ALDI, for example in the USA and Australia. They even make Walmart watch out. They drove down the coffee prices in Germany. As soon as ALDI lowers the prices of basic foodstuff, the competitors must follow. This way we have the lowest prices for basic foodstuff in Europe.

    In 1997 Tchibo bought Eduscho because Eduscho alone could not earn money anymore. Since then Eduscho has been a trade mark of Tchibo. You can still buy Eduscho coffee – next to Tschibo coffee and in most supermarkets.

    1. Karoly Varga

      Please translate from hungarian! én is találkoztam vele.Ez egal universum tr1040.Kapcsolási rajz: -onnan le lehet tölteni!


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