The folks at XHDATA have reached out to me with a deal for SWLing Post readers who live in the US and have an account with
They have just introduced an inexpensive portable radio, the XHDATA D-328, and are looking for new reviews on
The first ten SWLing Post readers to contact them will get a free D-328. The next ten readers will get a 50% off coupon code.
Simply email XHDATA at, mention that you’re an SWLing Post reader in the US and that you would like a XHDATA D-328 review unit. Note that this is the weekend, so you might not receive a reply from XHDATA for a couple of days.
The total price of the radio is only $13.80 at present.
If XHDATA offer a similar deal for readers in other countries, I will certainly post it here!
Perhaps this goes without saying, but If you get a free or discounted radio I would suggest that you mention this fact in the review and don’t hesitate to offer your frank thoughts and opinions.
Good luck! If you snag a D-328, please also consider commenting with your review here as well. I have one on order as well, but might not get to a review very quickly due to my schedule.
follow up to an earlier comment:
Ive just tuned several of the bands on this radio near a window and outside for a bit.
As a novice, with little swl radio experience, I’m quite impressed with the sensitivity and
selectivity. (FWIW)
I think the thumb tuning wheel is a plus for the visually impaired. The band selector switch feels
ok between switch positions.
Maybe the Amazon description about digital tube display is a translation issue . They might be calling the LED light for MP3 or RADIO a “tube”
this portable radio is a nice entry unit for me. Ive operated and used amateur transceivers for many years. I’m not expecting it to perform anywhere near as well as those. But the D-328 will be a nice take along radio to listen to something other than am/fm commercials and propaganda all day while driving or sitting outside. The rechargeable battery is a big plus for me….
rcvd my D-328 today. small unit. charging as I post. was able to tune WWCR 7490 inside the house is SW Ohio. will post my novice review later, seems like a decent value for the price point.
Few Interesting points in their Amazon page
5. MP3 play breakpoint memory
6. MP3 play LED digital tube display
I don’t know what is breakpoint memory and I don’t see the LED digital tube display in the device pictures.
Free one, yes.
I am already seeing these as heavily discounted on Amazon. Currently marked down to $13.80 from the original price of $30. Looks like you can get that price even without having to do a review.
I wouldn’t mind reviewing one of these as a blind ham. And yes, there are more of us than most would suspect. A lot of us Blind hams are that way due to age related issues (in my case, removal of both eyes due to complications from an infection, among other things). So, I can give a good assessment as to how easy (or not) that the radio would be.
What Chinese company designed and manufactured this XHDATA radio? Am I correct that XHDATA and Tecsun radios have the same distributor for North America?