Today and tomorrow (July 15 and 16) carries on an annual tradition of offering deep discounts and flash sales for their Prime members–they call it Prime Day.
In all honesty, I’m not the biggest fan of Amazon Prime Day because when I check out the deals–and some of them are pretty impressive–I end up making a lot of impulse purchases. (Anyone else do this?)
With that said, each year Prime Day seems to include more and more items. I did a quick search this morning for “shortwave” and found at least one radio I’d recommend (the Retekess HR11S emergency radio which is a great little radio to tuck away in your emergency provisions). It’s no DX machine, but it’s a capable little flashlight radio.
There are also a number of other radios in the Prime Day lineup.
If you’re a Prime member, you might give a quick browse of some of the deals. Again, I rarely make large purchases myself, but it’s a great time to find deep discounts on station accessories.
Here are a few searches you might try:
- Rechargeable AA batteries
- Laptops and tablets
- Headphones
- Raspberry Pi bundles
- Arduino bundles
- Hard drives (for SDR recordings!)
I’m planning to purchase a couple of surge protectors, a 2TB hard drive, and 16 rechargeable AA batteries.
Of course, the links above all have the SWLing Post affiliate code, which means it supports the SWLing Post (at no cost to you) when you make a purchase via the Amazon links provided. It really does help the site, but please never feel an obligation to use these links. We never create posts only for the sake of creating more affiliate links–sites like that really annoy me–we simply implement these links when you suggest a product, sale, or if Amazon is a viable option for a purchase. I struggled to publish this particular post because it’s so heavy on the Amazon links, but while browsing the Prime Deals this morning, I realize there are a number of ones that might appeal to readers and if purchases are being made anyway, it’s an effortless way to support the Post. Thanks for understanding!
Thomas, first of all thanks for reminding me about prime day. It had completely slipped my mind. Also no worries about posting amazon products with affiliate links. I for one always use swling’s affiliate links when I make purchases. I like the idea that a bit of my purchase goes back to my favorite website. This is pretty standard these days on the internet anyway. So all of this to say that you don’t need to apologize for affiliate links. I proudly use them. Now let’s browse the deals because I’ve got $50 burning a hole in my pockets! LOL! 73
Thanks, Jack!
I reckon I let my insecurities be a little public there. I learned early on–thanks to a Christmas season working at a RadioShack store–that I’m not much of a marketer or salesperson.
Still, being a frugal fellow, I do like sharing deals. Thanks for making a point of using our links for your Amazon purchases. Some months (it’s quite variable) the extra support really helps pay the bills.