My buddy, Vlado (N3CZ), and I have decided to head to the Morristown, Tennessee hamfest tomorrow morning. The event is sponsored by the Lakeway Amateur Radio Club and also features a “kids day” to promote amateur radio to unlicensed youth. The club provides opportunities for both individuals and youth groups to get on-the-air experience and help sort out the best path to get an amateur radio license.
Neither one of us knew about this regional hamfest until last month when I received a request from the radio club’s president asking if I could help spread the word. It was then that I discovered Morristown is within a two hour drive. Vlado and I are always up for a road trip (even if it means leaving at 5:00 am…egad–!).
We’ll keep our expectations in check, but we both hope to sell some radio gear that is in excess to our needs. If you happen to live in the area, pop by and introduce yourself! Here are the details:
Lakeway Amateur Radio Club’s
28th Annual HAMFEST
Where: 1615 Pavilion Drive, White Pine, TN 37890
8:00 AM -3:00 PM
Saturday, January 4th, 2020
Gates Open @ 8:00 AM.
Admission $10.00 at the Gate
Opening Cermonies @ 8:30
HAMFEST Forums start at 9:oo AM, District 8 Meeting and ARRL, David Thomas
Keynote: Jason Johnston W3AAX, Parks on the Air!
Grand Prize is an Icom IC-7300.
It was to meet you at the Morristown Hamfest 2020.73,Carl,KI5SF
This event coincides with ARRL’s Kids Day that will run from 18:00 UTC through 23:59 UTC Saturday.
Great way to introduce youngsters to the magic of Ham Radio!
I really hope you will have some fun, Thomas, you deserve it, and while you’re there … you may teach them some tricks about antennas; as you know a qrp set or a humble receiver will play “miraclres” with a good antenna … and you know a trick or maybe three