Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Marwan, who writes:
Happy Holidays Thomas And To All Subscribers To SWLing Post Website!
Last October I visited a relative in California. My cousin Imad is into collecting various antiques items. One of the items that welcomed us at front door and that caught my eyes is this old radio turntable combo system. With his permission I took a few photos and I told him I liked to share it with other SWLing Post subscribers. It looks like it is a shortwave radio made by Crosley. It had various European and Asian cities preset on the dial as well as Police.
I hope someone has owned one of these in the past and can share memories of it.
Cheers, And Happy Holidays!!
Happy Holidays to you too, Marwan! What a beautiful console radio! I’m willing to best some here int he SWLing Post community know this very model! Thank you for sharing!
I was just cleaning my kitchen (a rarity in my house) where I have my grandfather’s old Crosley Radio phonograph console. It is ABSOLUTELY Identical to yours. The same buttons with the same tags. When I first got it from my grandfather, about 30 years ago, it lit up and the phonograph actually worked. In looking at it now, most of the wires are deteriorated and the electrical plug to plug it in is detached. I had this crazy thought (as a means of procrastinating my cleaning) of seeing about getting it restored or buying the parts to restore it myself. Hmmm. You asked about stories or memories to go along with the Crosley. My grandma and grandpa had it in their “den”, a small extra bedroom with a fold down couch/bed. I remember my grandma putting on old 78 records from her country of Slovenia from where she emigrated from in 1925. She was not a very jovial person, but when she played these old records from her homeland, she would dance the polka with me. Some very happy times I remember with her. I still have the records and play them on my new antique looking Victrola brand table top radio and phonograph that still plays 78s. But I would love to get my grandma and grandpa’s old Crosley working again, to watch how that intricate side bar worked to lower the record, one at a time. Any advice would be helpful.
Good Morning Ken. I live in southern california. Where did you have it restored?
I have this exact model and had it beautifully restored!
I have this radio. It is not restored, but is in much better shape. Thare is even a 78 RPM record on it called Hound Dog ” Scat Man” Crothers. My Prayer. Ernie Newyon and the Toppers , on other side: Night and Day ( Wilbert Baranco and Orchestra, and Jam Boogie, Hack McVea and Orchestra. Thinking about selling, not sure though.
My first time on this website, I found a very similar one at my Aunts place, where is the serial/model #found on these units
Good night.
I’m from Brazil and I would like to know the model of this console, because I have the radio part and would like to get bigger. Please send me information via the email below.
I know this is an older post, but the model number of the Crosley radio here is 03CP.
I recently finished returning one of these to operation. Almost all of the wiring and all non-domino caps had to be replaced. I left the photofinish on the sides intact, but refinished the top and molding.
Thank you everyone.
I’m the owner of the radio
Any suggestion on how to get it restored?
I had this exact model recently restored and it looks excellent. Where are you located?
This is one of those times when my passion for SWLing intersects with my love of old radios. This is a nice set that has many useful hours left in it. There are lots of great old radios still out there, and getting them back to reliable performance doesn’t take genius-level skill.
My cousin is overseas until the end of the year. I will get more details from him on how he got hold of this radio and whether he plans to restore it or just keep it as is for decoration (what a waste would that be.)
Happy Holidays Y’All.
Looking at the station select buttons, this lived in the New York/Maryland area. I wonder how it made it’s way out to California? Interestingly, several of the stations on the buttons still exist with their original 3 letter calls.
WOW ! Thomas that’s beautiful and the craftmanship,it must weigh close to 100 lbs or more, with heavy wood and large speakers,even a couple of bass boosters.I guess one bass for the phono and one for the radio.Some tender loving care and hard work could bring that bad-boy back to its original luster.It would be interesting in finding out the exact year it was made.Perhaps when this radio was the main and only entertainment and news in most households, it announced Lindberg’s flight or the attack on Pearl Harbor !!!
I cut my teeth swl ing with this radio
Back in 1967 sound was. Unbelievable!
A rarity that deserves to be restored!!
Man, that is crazy cool ! Please tell us that it is in working order.