That’s not a typo, in addition to its flagship frequency 7490 kHz, WBCQ will be running staggered propagation tests of 4790 kHz during February for a new entertainment program
block sponsored by Angela and Allan Weiner and curated by Uncle Bill Tilford.  When the
regular schedule begins in March, it will be 2 hours per night of music and other entertainment from around the world.  Several new programs under development will participate.
The February tests will use archival episodes of From the Isle of Music, Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot,
Marion’s Attic, Behavior Night, Rock Wave, Tom Call Theater and Jetzt Geht’s Los!, a wonderful
program from Germany of Weimar-era jazz.  In March these programs will be joined by several new ones from around the world.
The first week’s tests will run from February 1-5 from 6-8pm EST (2300-0100 UTC).  Each following week will run an hour later to determine optimum transmission times.  An eQSL will
be available for reception reports sent to 4790info@gmail.com
Watch these pages for weekly updates.

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About Bill Tilford

Bill has been a shortwave listener since the 1960s, a program host and producer for the past several years, and he currently produces and hosts From the Isle of Music, Uncle Bill's Melting Pot and WBCQ Concert Hall in addition to curating the Radio Angela block of entertainment programs on that station and periodic collaborative specials with other stations. He also writes about Cuban music including on the website TIMBA.com and is active in the music industry as a producer and liner notes writer.

4 thoughts on “WBCQ TESTS 4790 KHZ IN FEBRUARY

  1. Mario Viel

    On Feb. 1st I am receiving the signal, a bit unstable but 7 on the scale.
    I am in Ste-Therese, Quebec, Canada.

  2. Tha Dood

    4790kHz should propagate like WWV’s 5MHz, and the 5-Channel 60M HAM Band. I plan on buying a couple hours on this myself for February. Hey, might as well take advantage of the latest SW buzz. Right???

  3. TomL

    Looking forward to these tests. For the upper MidWest, the typical time for good propagation seems to be well past 0100 UTC, depending on distance.


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