Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Hyun Woo P., who writes:
I’m interested in SWLing and I have collected some station QSLs and confirmation (RFA, VOA, NHK, RTI, and time stations such as BPM, and HLA).
I would like to know of other stations that I can listen to and send reception reports.
Please let me know.
My receiver is Tecsun PL-680 and my location is a city in South Korea.
Best Regards, Hyun Woo P.
Thank you for your question.
There are a number of shortwave stations that still appreciate reception reports and acknowledge them with a QSL or letter. I know that you can add Radio Romania International, Radio Prague, and WRMI to your list, but it’s been a while since I’ve requested a QSL from a shortwave station.
Readers: if you’ve recently received a QSL or acknowledgement after sharing a reception report, please comment with the station name. Thank you!
I receive Radio Nacional da Amazonia (11,780 kz.) on a regular basis here in northern California. I know they issue reception reports on a regular basis via email. Consequently, I am wondering if anyone knows of the email address/contact I can address my reception report to. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated!
Kevin Molander
There are several websites where you can find out the frequencies used by international stations, starting with this one:
You can also install the “shortwave schedules” application on your smartphone
You can also buy your own copy of the WRTH :
How can I tune in to Voice of Korea on shortwave. Please also help me with their email ID.
Kind regards from India,
Jayanta Chakrabarty
New Delhi
I am a casual radio listener with occasional SWLing. My doubt is how to sent the reception report to radio stations – via email or via postage ?
Thanks in advance
Nahezu jede Radiostation freut sich über Reaktionen von Hörern. Die meisten Sender bestätigen Empfangsberichte per e-Mail bzw. PDF Datei. QSL-Karten oder Briefe per Post sind heute eher die Ausnahme.
We do confirmation of reception reports for ABC Australia, BBC World Service, Voice of America and other Australian and overseas radio stations will be received a few times and enjoy the listening pleasures as well.
Voice of Mongolia’s Chinese service confirmed my report in 2019.
So does a German radio museum broadcasting club, “Welle 370”, located near Berlin, who use airtime via Moosbrunn/Austria and a number of smaller stations. They are on air several times a month.
And Radio Argentina al Exterior – broadcasting in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish – will send you an e-QSL, but no postal QSL, unfortunately.
Hello! I’m from Russia (Moscow). I continue to receive QSL from various radio stations. I keep my blog especially for this. Here is his address:
Hi how do you write the qsl report ,can you please describe
Recently I’ve got an e-QSL from IRIB Bengali Service Tehran, Iran.
Pop Shop Radio, which is my show and is not a station as such, does QSL for my relays on Channel292 and WRMI. I really like getting reception reports and send out a QSL card, a window cling sticker, and other goodies as available — just like SW stations did in the old days. Here’s our schedule:
3955 & 6070 khz – Wed 1600 UTC & Sat 2200 UTC (2300 first Sat of the month)
3955 & 9670 for North America with Pop Shop Radio Soul Time – First Friday of month at 2200 UTC
5950 9PM EDT Sunday (0100 UTC Monday)
Radio Prague QSL’d for a Longwave reception on 270 KHz
Most of the German and Dutch. low-powered SW stations QSL
Vatican Radio QSLs
Stations that use Channel 292 in Germany usually QSL
Radio TV Malaysian stations on SW QSL
Radio Cairo QSLs
Radio Thailand QSLs
Beyond Reach in Australia QSLs
4KZ in Innisfail Queensland (Australia) QSLs
La Voz tu Conciencia in Colombia QSLs
KSDA and KTWR on Guam QSL
Many stations that use Moosbrunn Austria and Armenia for relays QSL
Solomon Islands and Vanuatu do not QSL
I have DXed and requested QSL cards for 50+ years.
Unfortunately, my collection was lost in a fire in 2006.
This year I created an online catalog for QSL cards received since the fire. I only started it in January so only a few cards are posted. But I have a box of them that I will be posting in May.
I like to DX short and medium waves. I only know English so that limits me a bit.
Very few commercial radio stations on the AM or Medium wave band respond to QSL requests anymore in the US. Even some clear channel stations like WBBM in Chicago no longer offer QSL cards. Shortwave stations I have better luck with.
Here is the link:
Radio Liangyou, Hong Kong (FEBC Philppines), QSL received last year.
Althrougth it’s about pirate radio stations QSL this link could be interresting to you :
Radio Thailand QSL’s
Voice of Korea tend to QSL sporadically, but I doubt that would be a viable QSL opportunity for the post author who lives in South Korea. It does work from time-to-time for those of us in the rest of the world, though. I personally know people who have received a QSL and various other items from VOK – propaganda books, English-language newspapers, etc.
May I complete the list?
– Radio Free Asia and Polskie Radio have sent me QSL cards after sending audio files because I don’t understand the languages of the RFA (Asian languages) and Polskie Radio (German) programs.
– Radio Slovakia International confirms reception reports with QSL cards
– The Voice of Vietnam and Radio China International also send QSL cards… But I have not received any answer from these stations for months!
I have published scans of QSL on the site of Radio Club du Perche :
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
There are several bulletins published by DX clubs reporting every month about QSLs received by listeners. You can also download free editions of Italian “DX Fanzine”, compiled by experienced DXers and QSL collectors: Have a look at their monthly “QSL Review”.