By Jock Elliott, KB2GOM
Okay, I realize this is ham related, but I thought it was fun, and I hope you do too.
On a quiet Saturday morning in May, the “Big Gun” Motorola 1250 (which is used for running the Commuter Assistance Net) is quietly scanning through half a dozen frequencies.
The scanning stops on the 147.330 repeater, and a computer voice announces: “Echolink activated.”
Huh, that’s unusual, I think.
According to, here’s the scoop on EchoLink:
EchoLink® software allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using streaming-audio technology. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations, or from computer to station, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio’s communications capabilities. There are more than 350,000 validated users worldwide — in 159 of the world’s 193 nations — with about 6,000 online at any given time.
A few seconds later, a male voice with a distinct British accent drops a call on the repeater: “GB2022ER.”
What?!! A Great Britain call sign with multiple numbers in the middle? What’s going on?
I reply: KB2GOM.
Mark, the British ham, tells me he is running a special events station with a special call sign to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. He tells me I am the very first contact for the special events station. I tell him that he is my very first Echolink contact.
We chat for a bit, exchange good wishes and sign off.
A bit later, I look him up on QRZ and send Mark an email. Since I am his first contact for the special events station, is there a QSL card available? He replies that he will see what he can do.
A few weeks later, an envelope arrives with this coaster inside:
For a moment, I felt like James Bond:
Also inside were these postcards:
Bottom line – moral of the story, if you will – you never know what’s going to happen on the radio.
Not to be a party pooper but although It’s a cool contact and card to have for a few reasons, it is technically not considered a valid QSL for contact.
That’s alright; I wasn’t going for the “Worked all Monarchs” award.
Cheers, Jock
Well now you definitely must have a drink on Her Majesty! Cheers!
(Good to see the unexpected still happens on the radio, even on VHF!)
Cheers, Jock
Very cool, Jock!
I made a few digital contacts with these stations over the air – quite fun. Wish I would have known about it at the start as it would have been fun to see if I could have collected enough contacts for one of the rewards. All in all, just another great amateur radio special event which brings a challenge, along with some fun. The annual 13 Colonies event is something I try to participate in every year, working stations from the original 13 Colonies of the U.S. and two bonus stations, one in England and one in France. Quite fun!
Cheers! Robert K4PKM
Wow, thanks, Robert!
13 Colonies event?
Sounds like fun!
Cheers, Jock
It is, they have great certificates and genial operators. It happens every year during the week of the 4th of July. You should check it out next year! Cheers!