Off-Air Recording: Can you help Pete ID this broadcast?

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Jernakoff, who writes:

Last Saturday evening, I was cruising through the SW bands and came across music and talk on 2640 kHz, a rather odd (I would think) frequency on which to find such a broadcast format.

The music was of the soft pop variety (for example “Vou de Taxi” by Angelica; “A Time For Us – Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet” by Jack Jones; “A Lua E Eu” by Cassiano), and it sounded to my ears that the on-air talent (male) was speaking (between songs) either in Portuguese or in a Brazilian dialect of said language.

I have attached an audio clip of this broadcast [see below] which begins at 0158 UTC (on 26-March-2023). The recording is a little over 13-minutes long and ends when the signal abruptly leaves the air.

Audio Player

Note that there is a seeming mention in the recording of the words ‘Brazil’ and ‘Brasilia’ at the 4:40 and 5:03 time points, respectively. I have no clue where this signal originated, and I’m hoping that you or one of your many readers might be able to help ID this one. As far as I’m aware, there is no station that broadcasts on this frequency at least with this kind of programming. The signal seemed too strong to be a harmonic of a station broadcasting on, say, 1320 kHz. Perhaps a pirate? A mystery to me…

Thanks for sharing this recording, Pete! 

If you can help Pete ID this mystery recording, please comment!

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9 thoughts on “Off-Air Recording: Can you help Pete ID this broadcast?

  1. Peter Jernakoff

    Hi Huelbe –
    Thanks for your last note. I checked out Glenn’s mention of R. Cacique as well. Note that the signal that I caught was on 2640 kHz. (triple checked). Close enough to the reported 2470 kHz of R. Cacique that I’m thinking that this station was playing around with their frequency a bit this past weekend. So it looks like we have a tentative ID thanks to you, Hank, and Glenn!
    Best rgds,

  2. Peter Jernakoff

    Hi Hank –
    Thank you for your comments as well! I saw them after I responded to Huelbe’s reply. I will check out Glenn’s most recent WOR post.
    Best rgds,

  3. Peter Jernakoff

    Hi Huelbe –
    Thanks so much for giving a listen to the recording and for your comments! Very much appreciated! I neglected to mention that I captured the signal using a software defined radio, more specifically an SDRplay RSPdx running on SDRuno. So…still a mystery. The good news is that I was introduced to Angelica and her music! “Vou de Taxi” is a very catchy tune!!
    Best rgds,

  4. Hank Blackwood

    Glen Houser mentioned this 120meter station as being from Brazil – best heard in LSB. His current program has the info.

  5. Pu3hag

    I did a quick check o the recording. Unfortunately, I can’t provide an ID at the moment.

    Around the 5min mark I think I heard Radio Nacional de Brasília and mention to a listener located in Teresina (capital of the state of Piauí).

    Rádio Nacional uses 980, 6180 and 11780KHz stations. But I could find a combination of them that could generate a spurious signal on 2640Khz neither.

    1. Pu3hag

      Forgot to say: kudos to Hank for bringing to the discussion the Glenn Hauser’s most recent World of Radio which included activity in 120 meter band from Brazil! Thanks, Hank!


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