I have a favor to ask. You might remember our friend Wlod (US7IGN) has not only written a book about living in Kiev during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but was also the subject of an amazing, award-winning audio documentary by Cicely Fell.
Both Wlod and Cicely are dear friends and it’s been my honor to have played a small part in the making of this documentary and, more importantly, introducing these two amazing people to each other.
“Call Signs” has been nominated for another award and the public–no matter where you live in the world–is allowed to vote. Voting requires no login and is very easy to do. The login form is in French, but Cicely explains how to vote below.
It would be meaningful to me if you took a moment to register your vote today.
Thank you! –Thomas
Cicely writes:
Dear Thomas,
I’m so happy that ‘Call Signs’ – the documentary that you were so instrumental in making happen! – is nominated for this year’s Phonurgia Nova Awards (International Contest of Radiophonic Creation, taking place in Paris in early November). You can read more about the contest here.
It’s so wonderful that Wlod’s story has captured people’s imagination and is being recognised in this way. In addition to the prizes awarded by the jury, there is an audience award, where the public gets to vote for their favourite piece.
To vote for ‘Call Signs’:
1. Go to:
2. Scroll down to 5 – Archives de la Parole
Select: Cicely Fell, Call Signs – Falling Tree (see below)
3. Then (as it’s in French!) click on the button “Terminé” to submit. (You don’t need to create a surveymonkey account to submit your vote).
Important: Deadline for voting is October 31st. Please vote today!
Here’s a link to the documentary on Phonurgia Nova’s Soundcloud:
Again, readers, thank you so much for your vote!
Vote fait , bonne chance ..
done. Good luck
Congratulations on the nomination and hope you win!
I hope you win
Vote casted. All the best.
Done. Congratulations, Cicely, on being nominated. Fingers crossed for the award.