Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Carlos Latuff, who writes:
Hey Thomas, just got a broadcast (Nov 5, 2023) on 21640 kHz, from 15h30 to 16h00 UTC here in Rio de Janeiro. A potpourri of pop rock songs and then a female voice says ‘this is the end, have a nice day’.
Audio PlayerBoth Carlos and I assume this could be a shortwave pirate. If you can help Carlos identify this station, please comment!
Thank you a lot for the feedback.
Identical female voice and sign off, but at about 15:45 today, November 12th. Dead air after that.
Heard in Masset, BC, CANADA.
As reported on the World of Radio io group:
“21640.2V FRANCE Mini-Transat, Issoudun 1538 11/5/23 Woman reading presumed boating stats numbers in French followed by the numbers in English, then a few seconds of mostly Classic Rock songs back-to-back. This is scheduled 1500-1600 daily, apparently for the duration of the race from France to the Canary Islands then concluding at Guadeloupe. Info here: Very unstable transmitter, varying wildly, though the signal was nearly local level. Female in accented English at 1559 “We’ve reached the end. Have a nice day.” A few seconds of music, plug pulled at promptly 1600.”