Andrew Ikin of Wellbrook Communications has passed away

Mark Fahey’s Wellbrook Mag Loop antenna.

Many thanks to a number of SWLing Post readers who sent me this message–a re-post from the IRCA mailing list:

Death of Andrew Ikin- Wellbrook Communications
From: Tracey Gardner
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2024 13:10:23 EST

I am the bearer of very sad news.

My good friend Andrew Ikin of Wellbrook Communications passed away on 25th October 2023 after a very short illness.

He was buried on 10th November, a day before his 79th birthday.

He is buried in the local churchyard in Beulah.

Andrew was internationally known and respected, his products were second to none and his reputation for customer service renowned.

I was lucky enough to count him as a friend and I will sorely miss him.
The amateur radio and radio listener fraternity have lost a true colossus.

73s Tracey G5VU

Spread the radio love

11 thoughts on “Andrew Ikin of Wellbrook Communications has passed away

  1. Andy Howlett

    Well said. I’ve been using Wellbrook loops since about 2000, and they have literally saved my hobby. Over the years, the noise level around here slowly climbed until I almost gave up, but I had noticed that my homebrew loops seem quieter than my outdoor wires. A loop that could withstand outdoor conditions was required and along came the Wellbrook. As it happened it came from an old acquaintance of mine Andy Ikin, whom I knew from his days at the old IBM mill in my home town. He sent me a 1530 to see what I thought and boy did it live up to the claims. I paid in full the next day! Andy was not only a clever chap, but a really nice one too.

  2. Barry Williams

    RIP, Andrew.

    I bought what he said was the last American version of the LNP. What a great antenna! I never had the opportunity to tell him how much I love that bit of wire, metal, and plastic that turns way up in my attic. Thank you for the hundreds of hours spent listening to all the sounds and noise that your creation produces. I am privileged to be one of the few to hear all the grunts, beeps, and thunderous crashes that your antennas catch and send to my radios.

    Thank you and farewell

  3. Brian O'Reilly

    Like others – I am saddened to hear of the passing of Andy.
    Although I never met Andy – I was impressed by his kind and helpful manner as I bought equipment from him over the years.
    My condolences to his family and I thank Deborah for providing so many memories of her Dad.
    His legacy will remain.

    Brian – In Ireland

  4. Deborah Howard

    Thank you all for the very kind comments. I will share these with my mother. Sorry for the delay in reaching out to find a kind member of the community to help share the sad news. My mother needed some time to process everything as my father’s passing was such a shock and it was helpful to get the first Christmas out of the way. It was great that he was able to turn what was a hobby into a thriving business and ‘follow his bliss’. As a child, wherever we lived, I recall that he always had a radio room, be it a loft room or shed before he ‘took over’ the dining room (much to my mother’s annoyance), leading to him making the first Wellbrook loop at Wellbrook House in the New Forest (the last home I shared with my parents). He much enjoyed the extra indoor and outdoor space when moving to Beulah in Powys, Wales. I have many fond memories of listening to all manner of radio stations in the car on some of our father / daughter trips and him explaining what station was what (he had a bespoke car radio). He would also periodically go around the family home checking for interference, on one occasion leading him to fitting some contraption (a ferrite ring, I think) to my TV.
    Thanks again everyone and I’ll look out for any further messages. Deborah (Andy’s daughter).

  5. Chris

    Andrew not only sold a great product but also provided excellent customer service. I exchanged many emails with him when I first purchased my antenna in 2016. I was ready to quit the hobby due to the noise until I was urged to buy a Wellbrook. Since then I listen to the bands even more and I had to tell him. He was quite happy. RIP, Andrew.

  6. Andy

    I knew Andy from when he worked at IBM’s old mill in Dukinfield and we shared many a pint in the nearby Lamb Inn. I lost touch when he moved over to the new Snipe place in Audenshaw, but bumped into him again when I began to use Wellbrook products about 20 years ago. In his business doings he was always straight and fair. A good bloke. RIP.

  7. Gary Saltz

    Rest in Peace Andrew. I was very lucky to order and receive the last or near last USA version he built. I bought it as a birthday present to me! Believe it or not…my birthday is October 25th !!!!

    Gary WA9IQW


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