Shortwave listening and everything radio including reviews, broadcasting, ham radio, field operation, DXing, maker kits, travel, emergency gear, events, and more
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, André, who writes:
I have been following the SWLing Post for many years and really enjoy it. Like many DXers, I have a YouTube channel where I share my catches.
But I have something a bit different, that your readers might find interesting. It is an interview with a producer and presenter at an Ethiopian clandestine SW station, Voice of Fano.
I think it is interesting to hear from someone who is directly involved in a clandestine station, during a time of conflict, about their station. How they make programmes, the listeners, why they started the station, why shortwave, are they being jammed and more.
The station transmits from Issoudun, twice a week only, 15215 kHz. It can be heard on Wednesdays and Saturdays, 17:00 to 18:15 UTC. The WRTH listing has not been updated yet, they used to broadcast for 30 minutes only, but have increased this to 75 minutes. They have been transmitting for just over five months.
For current owners (or future owners) of the RF-919, Raddy has discovered an issue with upgrading the firmware from the original firmware shipped with the radio (version 1.689). There have been some instances where the radio becomes inoperable after trying to upload the new firmware (version1.706).
Please do not upgrade the firmware from the original version until Raddy has this issue sorted out. I am in touch with their representatives and will post a notice here when all is clear to upgrade (the upgrade will add some nice features based on what it was intended to do).
If you have already experienced the problem, contact Raddy Support for more information, as they have an excellent warranty policy and responsive customer support team.
Here is a link to Dan Robinson’s excellent review of this radio for those who have not read it yet: