The Asheville Radio Museum’s Vintage Radio Market, Saturday, September 14, 2024

If you happen to be in or near Asheville, North Carolina area this Saturday, I would encourage you to check out the Asheville Radio Museum’s Vintage Radio Market this weekend at AB Tech Community College.

Click here for full details and photos.

I’ve been a member of this wonderful museum for many years and volunteer for them as often as I can. We’ve just moved into a bigger area on the third floor of AB Tech’s Elm building and staff will be giving tours tomorrow morning as well.

In addition to the tailgate flea market, I helped prepare over 60 items that we’re selling in order to support the museum’s mission. We set the prices low so that we can clear our storage space for upcoming radio donations.

The SWLing Post has a very international readership, so I know only a small fraction of you may be able to check out the Vintage Radio Market, but since this museum is so near and dear to my heart, I just had to share details here! Thank for reading!


Thomas (K4SWL)

Spread the radio love

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