Compact Antenna, Big Results: Giuseppe’s DICA 2 Redesign

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Giuseppe Morlè, who writes:

Dear Thomas and Friends of the SWLing Post,

I am Giuseppe Morlè, IZ0GZW, writing to you from Formia, in central Italy, on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Do you remember the DICA 2 antenna? It was a small, shortened antenna with three ferrite cores inside, capable of tuning across all shortwave bands. Unfortunately, it no longer exists in its original form.

I have completely reworked the windings to enable the ferrites to also function for medium wave (MW) reception. Now, the antenna features:
• 35 turns for medium waves,
• 4 turns for shortwaves, and
• the same variable capacitor of over 1000 pF remains in use.

For medium waves, the antenna works wonderfully by induction. You simply place the ferrite core near the tube and turn the variable capacitor to achieve perfect tuning across the entire MW range.

I was genuinely amazed by its performance on shortwaves. Despite its small size, the antenna provides excellent gain, especially when a ground cable is connected to the variable capacitor’s casing.

I conducted several tests on my balcony. Initially, I thought the random ground wire simply improved the rotor’s tuning capability, but I discovered the antenna works equally well even when placed on a metal surface.

During a recent outing to Monte Orlando Park in Gaeta, I observed how the ground cable significantly enhanced both the signal strength and audio modulation. You can see this in my latest video, where I received Australian operators Greg and Grant on 20 meters with excellent signals.

The antenna’s two windings are separated and connected to the stator and rotor of the variable capacitor. On one end of the shortwave winding (the 4 turns), I’ve added a crocodile clip that can be attached or detached to switch between shortwave and medium wave operation. All of this functionality is achieved with a single variable capacitor.

I will soon share videos demonstrating all of these details and performances.

Thank you, Thomas, for your incredible activations—I follow them regularly on your channel, and they are a constant source of inspiration for me.

Greetings to you and all the Friends of SWLing Post!

Giuseppe Morlè, IZ0GZW


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8 thoughts on “Compact Antenna, Big Results: Giuseppe’s DICA 2 Redesign


    I’m envious Giuseppe,your antenna is like a masterpiece,very neat and simply works as you said.I have two left hands messing with wire.I can get it done but it comes out looking like it was in a windstorm.We both seem to be lucky and have some wisdom,or enough to know that if something is working well,leave it alone.THANKS. At this time of the year it’s Okay to be SANTAMENTAL.Merry Christmas

    1. giuseppe morlè

      Dear Jack,
      thank you…in fact trying to improve what already works would be wrong…I’m not a technician but I enjoy building minimal antennas with what I find around without spending too much money…
      I’ll leave it like this…I also found a case for it to keep it in during transport…
      I wish you a Merry Christmas and happy listening…
      73. Giuseppe.

    1. giuseppe morlè

      Ciao John,
      the Ferritona covers from 500 to 1700 khz…
      it would take at least a hundred turns to have the LW…
      it can be done…a longer tube to accommodate the turns and some more ferrites…
      merry christmas.
      73 Giuseppe.

  2. Carlos

    I would like to build the antenna , although I have an RGP3 MW antenna, I think that Giuseppe’s antenna would be a step further because it has SW option too. Are you going to improve the antenna ? I think that the capacitor could be enclosed ina box and add a toggle switch instead the cocodrile in the ground cable that goes to the capacitor.
    Thanks for your help,

    1. giuseppe morlè

      Thanks to you…
      the secret to make it work so well is to put only the essential things like the crocodile…sometimes if you want to improve nothing works anymore…
      so spartan it works very well and I will leave everything like that.
      Merry Christmas…
      73. Giuseppe.


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