Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Alan, who writes:
I came across this PDF from the ITU: Use of International Radio for Disaster Relief frequencies for emergency broadcasts in the High Frequency bands
With so many disasters, may be of interest to your posters.
Thank you, Alan!
More emergency frequencies
2182 kHz: International Maritime Distress and Calling Frequency for Radio telephony.
4340 kHz: NATO Combined Submarine Distress.
8364 kHz: Survival Craft.
406.0 MHz: Emergency Position Indicating Locator Beacon (EPIRB). Earth to Space
Royal Flying Doctor Service South Australia/Northern Territory 4010kHz, 6890kHz or 8165kHz All other areas use satellite phone network serving Remote Travellers since 1999. This is a volunteer organisation in Australia
Thank you Alan, I did not know these frequencies existed. Will definitely add them to my AirSpy’s frequency manager list. It will be interesting to see how active they are. 73’s.
Thank you Thomas for posting this.